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Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books
Toronto Public Library
Here is a selection of dog-themed books including some vintage examples that date back to the early 1800s.
Some Swell Pup or Are You Sure You Want a Dog?, by Maurice Sendak and Matthew Margolis, illustration by Maurice Sendak, 1976
Some Swell Pup or Are You Sure You Want a Dog?, by Maurice Sendak and Matthew Margolis, illustration by Maurice Sendak, 1976
Higglety Pigglety Pop!, Maurice Sendak, 1969
Higglety Pigglety Pop!, Maurice Sendak, 1969
Cannonball Simp, John Burningham, 1966
Topsy and Angus and the Cat, Marjorie Flack, 1935
Topsy and Angus and the Cat, Marjorie Flack, 1935
Angus and the Ducks, Marjorie Flack, 1935
Angus and the Ducks, Marjorie Flack, 1935
Pretzel and Pretzel and the Puppies, Margret & H.A. Rey, 1946
Denslow's Old Mother Hubbard, W.W. Denslow, 1903
Denslow's Old Mother Hubbard, W.W. Denslow, 1903
Blobbs at the Sea Side, G.Vernon Stokes, 1925
Blobbs at the Sea Side, G.Vernon Stokes, 1925
Bob-Tail Pup, by Vernon Stokes, illustration by Cynthia Harnett, 1948
Bob-Tail Pup, by Vernon Stokes, illustration by Cynthia Harnett, 1948
Whistle for Willie, Ezra Jack Keats, 1964
Whistle for Willie, Ezra Jack Keats, 1964
FiFi, Ludwig Bemelmans, 1940
FiFi, Ludwig Bemelmans, 1940
Perpetual Motion Machine Rosa, Barbro Lindgren, 1996
Perpetual Motion Machine Rosa, Barbro Lindgren, 1996
That New Animal, by Emily Jenkins, illustration by Pierre Pratt, 2005
That New Animal, by Emily Jenkins, illustration by Pierre Pratt, 2005
Otto at Sea, William Pene du Bois, 1936
Otto at Sea, William Pene du Bois, 1936
Caleb & Kate, William Steig, 1977
Caleb & Kate, William Steig, 1977
Dogs, by Maurice Wilson
Dogs, by Maurice Wilson
The Strawberry Dog, by Betty Paraskevas, illustration by Michael Paraskevas, 1993
The Strawberry Dog, by Betty Paraskevas, illustration by Michael Paraskevas, 1993
The Garden of Abdul Gasazi, Chris Van Allsburg, 1979
The Garden of Abdul Gasazi, Chris Van Allsburg, 1979
No, No. Taffy!, by Jean McDevitt, illustration by Flavia Gag, 1952
No, No. Taffy!, by Jean McDevitt, illustration by Flavia Gag, 1952
Little Dog Trusty, Maria Edgeworth, 1870
A Book of Dogs for Little Boys, 1824-1828
A Book of Dogs for Little Boys, 1824-1828
Real Tales of Real Dogs, by Albert Terhune, illustration by Diana Thorne, 1935
Real Tales of Real Dogs, by Albert Terhune, illustration by Diana Thorne, 1935
Pets and Playfellows, 1881 - 1895
Pets and Playfellows, 1881 - 1895
Maxie, Virginia Kahl, 1956
Maxie, Virginia Kahl, 1956
woof! woof!, by David A. Carter, 2006
woof! woof!, by David A. Carter, 2006
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